Creation and evolution in primitive cosmogonies and other pieces /
Frazer, James George (1854-1941)
Creation and evolution in primitive cosmogonies and other pieces / [Texte imprimé] : by James George Frazer - [Reproduction en fac-similé] - [London, Dawsons, 1968] - 1 vol. (XI-151 p.) ; 23 cm
Notes bibliogr.
Creation and evolution in primitive cosmogonies.--Mediaeval Latin fabulists.--Gibbon at Lausanne.--Baldwin Spencer as anthropologist.--Canon John Roscoe.--Condorcet on the progress of the human mind.--Speech on receiving the Freedom of the City of Glasgow.--Memories of my parents
Creation and evolution in primitive cosmogonies and other pieces / [Texte imprimé] : by James George Frazer - [Reproduction en fac-similé] - [London, Dawsons, 1968] - 1 vol. (XI-151 p.) ; 23 cm
Notes bibliogr.
Creation and evolution in primitive cosmogonies.--Mediaeval Latin fabulists.--Gibbon at Lausanne.--Baldwin Spencer as anthropologist.--Canon John Roscoe.--Condorcet on the progress of the human mind.--Speech on receiving the Freedom of the City of Glasgow.--Memories of my parents