Networking Europe and new communities of interpretation (1400-1600)
Hoogvliet, Margriet
Networking Europe and new communities of interpretation (1400-1600) - Turnhout : Brepols, 2023
Long-distance ties connecting Europeans from all geographical corners of the continent during the fifteenth and sixteenth century facilitated the sharing of religious texts, books, iconography, ideas, and practices. The contributions to this book aim to reconstruct these European networks of knowledge exchange by exploring how religious ideas and strategies of transformation 'travelled' and were shared in European and transatlantic cultural spaces.
Networking Europe and new communities of interpretation (1400-1600) - Turnhout : Brepols, 2023
Long-distance ties connecting Europeans from all geographical corners of the continent during the fifteenth and sixteenth century facilitated the sharing of religious texts, books, iconography, ideas, and practices. The contributions to this book aim to reconstruct these European networks of knowledge exchange by exploring how religious ideas and strategies of transformation 'travelled' and were shared in European and transatlantic cultural spaces.