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Companion to historiography / edited by Michael Bentley

المساهم (المساهمين):نوع المادة : نصنصتفاصيل النشر:London : Routledge, 1997 وصف:(324 p.)تدمك:
  • 9780415030847
تصنيف DDC:
  • 907.2 23A
تصنيفات أخرى:
  • 901
ملخص:The Companion to Historiography is an original analysis of the moods and trends in historical writing throughout its phases of development and explores the assumptions and procedures that have formed the creation of historical perspectives. Contributed by a distinguished panel of academics, each essay conveys in direct, jargon-free language a genuinely international, wide-angled view of the ideas, traditions and institutions that lie behind the contemporary urgency of world history.
نوع المادة:
وسوم من هذه المكتبة لا توجد وسوم لهذا العنوان في هذه المكتبة. قم بتسجيل الدخول لإضافة الأوسمة
التقييم بالنجوم
    متوسط التقييم: 0.0 (0 صوتًا)
نوع المادة المكتبة الحالية المجموعة رقم الطلب رقم النسخة حالة تاريخ الإستحقاق الباركود
Livre Livre Bibliothèque centrale En accès libre Collection générale 901 / 1610 (إستعراض الرف(يفتح أدناه)) 1 المتاح 000007769696

The Companion to Historiography is an original analysis of the moods and trends in historical writing throughout its phases of development and explores the assumptions and procedures that have formed the creation of historical perspectives. Contributed by a distinguished panel of academics, each essay conveys in direct, jargon-free language a genuinely international, wide-angled view of the ideas, traditions and institutions that lie behind the contemporary urgency of world history.

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