Andrews, Edna (1958-....)

Neuroscience and multilingualism [Texte imprimé] / Edna Andrews - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2014 - 1 vol. (XIII-254 p.) : ill., couv. ill. ; 24 cm

Bibliogr. p. 209-246

Assembling the pieces : the neuroscience disciplines essential for the study of language and brain -- Building the basis : linguistic contributions to a theory of language and their relevance to the study of language and brain -- Neuroscience applications to the study of multilingualism -- Exploring the boundaries of cognitive linguistics and neurolinguistics : reimagining cross-cultural contributions -- Imaging technologies in the study of multilingualism : focus on BOLD fMRI -- Reassembling the pieces : languages and brains


Language Development Multilingualism Brain / physiology Brain Mapping Neurosciences / methods
